
Our site is aimed at private sales and we cannot add a company name to your receipt, nor can we offer VAT exempt purchases.

Please do not include company information in the address as we do not process this information.

Any space dedicated to different addresses is to be understood exclusively as additional delivery information to help the courier.

Our e-commerce issues automatic order receipt (order confirmation via email).

We reserve the right to cancel and refund any order received (without notice and at our sole discretion) which is to be understood solely as a "non-binding supply request" until confirmation of shipment.

The invoice must be requested before placing the order by sending a registered letter or other certified and traceable communication to our address. In this case we reserve the right to accept or refuse and refund your supply request.

The order will be managed only after receiving confirmation of the credit from the bank.

Payment must be made within 7 days from the date of the order. After this deadline, the order will be automatically canceled.

The purpose of the bank transfer must necessarily include the order number.

⚠️ Attention, you do not need to ask our customer service for confirmation of receipt of payment, order processing will be automatic, we will contact you in case of problems.

By selecting the PayPal payment, you will be redirected to a page on the PayPal site where you can enter your details and make the payment.

Personal financial information will not be shared with SixRace, but handled directly by PayPal. In case of cancellation of the order or non-acceptance by SixRace, the amount will be refunded to your PayPal account. SixRace will not be responsible for any delays in the refund process.

⚠️ From 5 March 2020 PayPal has changed its conditions of use and does NOT refund payment fees on refunds anymore, therefore in the event of a refund of payment made with PayPal, for any reason, the fees will NOT be refunded.

You can pay with scalapay only if you are resident in Italy

Purchases made on SixRace are safe and guaranteed and payments can be made in several ways:

  • Payment by credit card through the Unicredit portal
  • Payment by credit card through the Stripe portal
  • Payment by postepay and rechargeable cards through the Stripe portal
  • Payment with Paypal
  • Payment at our office
  • Payment by bank transfer in advance
  • Payment in installments with Scalapay

Our administrative offices check payments on a daily basis, if you have made an immediate electronic payment (PayPal, Credit Card, Satispay) your order is already being processed. If you have chosen a deferred payment, such as bank transfer, your order will be managed as soon as the payment is displayed. If you have sent a copy of the payment account, our operators speed up management.